WP0: Coordination and project management
WP1: Data collection and field reconnaissance
- Geographically-based compilation of occurrences and deposits of fractionated granitic rocks with their corresponding known and reported features (e.g., deposit types, mineralogy, ore mineral concentrations), review of structural controls on distribution of pegmatites on regional and local scale, selection of occurrences most relevant for field study (with regard to their critical metals contents, size, geochemistry, and deposit type).
WP2: Field work
- Field selection of localities suitable for detailed characterizations (based on their critical metals contents, size, genetic type, mineralogy), detailed mapping and sampling of pegmatites and RMG.
WP3: Laboratory research
- Quantitative characterization of composition of selected specific pegmatites (geochemistry, petrology, mineral characterization, dating), laboratory research.
WP4: Applications testing
- Czech team will perform laboratory tests on separations of industrial and ore minerals using gravitational and magnetic methods, potential for useability of silicate minerals in industrial applications, qualitative assessment of CRM minerals usability.
WP5: 3D modelling
- 3D modelling of selected pegmatite bodies and studied areas, and assessment of metallogenic processes related to CRM mineralization including a favorable predictivity model for the area.
WP6: Communication-dissemination of results