Masaryk University
The team from the Department of Geological Sciences, Masaryk University, are specialists in granitic pegmatites and other deposits of rare elements. The pegmatite research at MU has a long tradition; excellent analytical facilities available at MU enable a high scientific output and expertise in the field. MU facilitates cooperation among partners from private companies and international research institutions and serves as a coordinator of the PEGMAT project.
- Project coordinator and leader of the MU team is Jan Cempírek
BRGM (Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières, the French Geological Survey) is a French Public Institution responsible for mobilising the Earth Sciences in the sustainable management of georesources and the subsurface domain. BRGM employs over 1,100 people, including more than 700 researchers and engineers. BRGM activity covers the whole spectrum of the management of mineral resources, from fundamental research (e.g. ore forming processes, metallogenic syntheses, predictive mapping, etc.), including exploration, expertise, development of geological and mining data infrastructures, management of after mine problems, to raw material economy. Building on geology as its core competence, BRGM develops expert knowledge in resource management, risk management and innovative ecotechnologies. As a Carnot Institute, BRGM works in particular to increase publicprivate partnerships under highlevel scientific projects, strengthen the momentum of a network of partners in France, Europe and the world. The Georesources Division activity covers the whole spectrum of the management of mineral resources, from fundamental research (e.g. ore forming processes, metallogenic syntheses, predictive mapping, etc.), including exploration, expertise, development of geological and mining infrastructures, management of after mine problems, to raw material economy. Among others, this Division has a a strong experience in European projects: FP6 - BIOMINE, FP6 - Bioshale, FP7 - PROMINE, FP7 - Minerals4EU, FP7 - Eu-Rare, H2020 - Biomore, H2020 - FAME, H2020 - ProSum, H2020 - GeoERA FRAME. In the PEGMAT project, the BRGM brings expertise in the field of metallogeny, 3D geological modeling and numerical modeling, mineral prospectivity.
- Leader of BRGM team is Anthony Pochon
Geological Institute of Romania
The Geological Institute of Romania is the institution authorized to prepare, edit and print national geological, hydrogeological, geophysical and metallogenetic maps at various scales. In addition, it ensures the correlation of national geological spatial data with those of neighboring countries, researches the distribution of geomagnetic, gravity, geothermal and electromagnetic fields on the territory of Romania, develops integrated geonomic research, including the geoinformation system (GIS), the geoid and the analysis of satellite images and studies the dynamics of geological phenomena with natural hazard potential. The Geological Institute of Romania participates in national and international research projects (including in the Framework Program 7), having cooperation agreements with academic, research and industrial institutions from Romania and from other countries. Geological Institute of Romania is a member of EuroGeoSurveys.
- Leader of GIR team is Gavril Săbău
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
The Geological Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) has been the main leading unit in the field of Earth Sciences at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The Institute performs scientific and scientific-applied research on all important aspects of geological science. In recent years, the Institute has emerged as the largest national geological research and scientific-expert organization, which combines both the classical fields of Geology and today's priorities in the field of Earth Sciences. The Geological Institute is a complex geological organization that systematically enriches the knowledge on the Geology of Bulgaria.
- Leader of the BAS team is Rossitsa Vassileva
Slovak Academy of Sciences
The Earth Science Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (ESI-SAS) explores and investigates geodynamic evolution of the Earth, its rock composition, evolution of ecosystems, climate and seawater chemistry, and interpretation of geophysical fields and seismicity, using modern approaches and methods and advanced instrumental facilities. Scientific activities are focused on complex and integrated research of geological structure, composition and geodynamic evolution of Earth, using modern scientific field, laboratory, and computer-intensive methods and infrastructure.
- Leader of the ESI-SAS team is Igor Broska
G E T s.r.o.
G E T s.r.o. (GET) is leading exploration company in the Czech Republic. The company specialises in design and consulting services in the areas of mining design, geological works, surveying, ecology, land use planning and business consulting. GET has an extensive experience in exploration of various types of deposits, including granite-related deposits of rare elements such as Li, Sn, W, Nb, Ta.
- Leader of the GET team is Jaromír Tvrdý
K M K GRANIT a.s. (KMK) is a one of the main Czech producers of ceramic feldspar. The company is specialized mainly in mining and treatment of the minerals and in activities connected with mining and treatment of minerals.
- Leader of the KMK team is Pavel Jedlička