The ERA-MIN3 PEGMAT project aims to:
- identify most of the pegmatites and RMG occurrences in the Carpathian-Balkan area and assess their respective geological/structural/geochemical features;
- understand and characterize the geological processes and structural constraints leading to pegmatite and RMG formation;
- assess raw material content evolution through time and geological environment for these magmatic bodies and understand their distribution in the selected region;
- characterize internal processes of pegmatite formation, model pegmatite bodies and constrain their inner structure;
- determine potential areas for prospecting regarding raw material content. An applied problem of
- usability parameters of CRM as well as industrial silicate materials from complex pegmatite bodies will be addressed by the applied part of the project solved by the project partners from the Czech Republic.
The PEGMAT project addresses the Topic 1 "Supply of raw materials from exploration and mining" of the ERA-MIN3 2021 Call.
The project innovations include especially:
- complex assessment and significant increase of knowledge on potential sources of critical raw materials (CRM) in the Carpathian-Balkan area (Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria);
- complex quantitative assessment of the deposits using advanced GIS and 3D modelling techniques;
- modelling of the formation of CRM deposits focused on predictivity of CRM sources formation using up-to-date technique (Cell-Based Association approach; Tourlière et al., 2015).
The innovative complex methodology and project results will directly impact in both research and exploration of CRM deposits in the central Europe and Balkans.